
Grade 8: World Fair—Wander Among Wonders

April 2, 2021

After months of anticipation, the Grade 8 World Fair has started! The event enables cultures from across the world to be accessible within moments; here, exciting music mingles with cheerful laughter; students embrace the world and reflect on their hard work!

Starting from the winter vacation, 8th graders at SHSID have been working on their World Fair projects. Every homeroom was assigned three countries and were required to complete several tasks. For geography class, each student created an artifact famous to one of their designated nations. Then, students arranged activities, planned games, prepared decorations, and wrote riddles within their homerooms. Finally, on the afternoon of April 1st, it was time for the World Fair!

The World Fair unleashed students’ potential through the mediums of art, music, and sports. The Turkish Dance in 8(4), South African dance in 8(5), Nepalese Dancing in 8(9) etc., brought on waves of joy. Chinese knot-tying, umbrella painting, and DIY Sri Lankan masks attracted many creative students. Trivia games related to K-POP and tune-naming were also very frantically popular. Friends gathered in groups and pairs, traveling between classrooms, immersing in many different cultures.

The World Fair was an immense success, breaking barriers and giving students a break from their busy school lives. In this extensive project, students completed research, learned more about geography, and coordinated with others to fulfill their tasks. Finally, they found out that their work was not in vain. The day ended in laughter, brought by the combined efforts of all students and teachers. The World Fair was truly a journey through the wonders of the world!

(Written by Angela 8-3 Supervised by Mr. Key Picturesby8(7) Coco,Jasmine,8(10)Mimi,8(11) Sabrina,YunaPosterby8(9) Seazen)