
Primary School Subjects Department: Greetings from Grade 1 Scientists

September 26, 2019

Greetings from first grade science! All the students and teachers are so happy to share their Science time with each other. The department is so excited to have all these new faces to explore and observe the world together. In the first month of school, students of grade 1 have learned what it means to be a scientist.

Students used their 5 senses to make observations of the campus. They were also able to observe popcorn using the 5 senses and thought of descriptive adjectives to really show what were saw, smelled, heard, touched, and tasted. After learning these basic scientific skills, grade 1 students will be perfectly ready for the future Science adventures. The department has many more interesting lessons planned for Science; so stay tuned.

(Written by Samantha Charlop Pictures by Samantha Charlop)