
Puxi Grade 1-3: Fun Holidays—Summer Vacation Project Show

September 5, 2019

The new semester began on September 2nd and the Puxi grade 1-3 students are all full of stories from their summer vacations! The first week is summer homework presentation week, so the students presented their homework and shared wonderful stories. Grade 1-3 students at Puxi campus have heard such an amazing variety of stories from their classmates!

Grade 2 students’ summer homework was to prepare a Chinese poster about their lovely birthday. Students shared their birthday party pictures, which were prepared by their parents, and spoke about how to plan a birthday party using the fabulous ideas from their family members. During the process of accepting and giving, students gradually understood that "love needs to be returned". The students are learning to act considerately and generously to repay their parents' love. The grade 2 students’ national currency posters were also proudly displayed. Different currencies help students learn how to use their mathematical knowledge both in the classroom and in daily life.

Grade 3 students were tasked with rewriting the ending of a book for their summer homework. Using the original story background, students rewrote well-known endings using their imagination. Many of the rewritten endings were praised by fellow classmates, with several children exclaiming: “What an amazing ending they wrote!" In mathematics, grade 3 students need to understand different statistical charts, so the teachers assigned a summer vacation homework titled, "One day in your summer vacation". Every student displayed their summer holiday information using a pie chart. Every teacher gave in-depth and detailed evaluations of the posters made by the children to help them improve the details.

To conclude the first week’s presentations, students' works have been displayed on both sides of the corridor for everyone to see. We hopeevery student’s school-life will be as colorful as their work on the wall!

(Written by Chen Xi Pictures by Chen Xi, Zhang Ting)