
Grades 9-10:Introductory Lecture for Academy Courses

March 18, 2021

On March 11, an introductory lecture for Academy courses were held for the Grades 9 and 10 students. First, it was announced that, for this new semester, five new Academy courses had been opened. For each of these courses, a teacher then came up onto the stage and made a short presentation to introduce the course. The presentations were mostly entertaining and eye-grabbing, and many of them drove student interest into these courses. In fact, on the course-selection day, the courses that had students rely on their Wi-Fi speeds to get in were mostly the ones that had been presented on in the lecture.

The Academy course is a great chance for students to explore their interests and learn more. While regular school subjects cover certain amount of essential information, Academy courses and PBL courses makes students diversify their studies and potentially spike continued interests in the future for a subject.

(Written by Bobby Sheng Pictures by Lucy Supervised by Yuewen Gu, Menglei Wang)