
Pudong Campus: Decorate the Campus with Holiday Assignments!

March 9, 2021

At the beginning of this semester, the hallways were already decorated with homework from the students. Holiday assignments are not only the bond between school life and student’s colorful vacation but also a way to showcase what students learned last semester. They serve as a touchstone of students’ learning attitude, as well. From grade one to grade five, students’ creative works were shown in the exhibition area.

First-grade students made their own Holiday Memo. They displayed all the highlights during the holiday, such as fun exercise, interesting life skills, housework, and decorated it with their cute pictures. For math assignments, first-grade students designed their monthly calendar from the knowledge they learned the first semester. The youngest students impressed the teachers with their colorful and creative work!

Second-grade students presented their Dream Community Project made from recycled milk boxes. They designed and created their ideal neighborhood using milk boxes by reviewing what they learned in geometry. Teachers were impressed by their ingenuity when they were introducing their communities!

The third graders took part in a Chinese Calligraphy Competition over the holiday. They expressed their passion and determination for Chinese through their fascinating handwriting. After returning to school, the teachers continue to lead them to learn more about Chinese calligraphy. The students could not stop sharing their practice experiences and appreciation.

The ingenious fourth graders designed their own lanterns that include traditional Chinese elements, such as Chinese 24 solar terms, Chinese literature, folk instruments etc. They combined these elements in their imaginative lantern designs and provided the campus with a jubilant and joyful environment. These lovely lanterns made the holiday joy last longer on campus.

Being the oldest students, fifth graders produced something different. To encourage the students to show their initiative, the teachers let them select the work that they wanted to display the most by themselves. During this process, they took pride in their work. Some students chose their well-designed Chinese posters to be displayed. Others shared their reading reflections with their peers and teachers. The audience was impressed not only by their deep reflection but also the variety of genres they explored.

The Pudong Campus came alive with all of the holiday homework displayed in the hallways! The students not only showed their academic skills through their work, but their personalities and talents shone through, too. What an exceptional celebration of learning!

(Written by Haoruo Li, Yan Deng, Jingyang Gu, Yingying Pan, Yuchen Xie Pictures by Teachers of Pudong Campus)