
Grade 9: Awarding Ceremony for the Assembly Speakers and Hosts

January 10, 2021

On January 5th, the ninth graders gathered together in the Zhentao Lecture Hall for their last Assembly of the 2020-2021 fall semester. The purpose of this Assembly was to serve as an awarding ceremony for the past Assembly speakers and hosts.

The ceremony began with grade nine headteacher Ms. Gu handing out certificates to all previous Assembly speakers. The students were called on stage and acknowledged. Ms. Gu also briefly recapped the Assembly talks from this semester with topics ranging from mental health to moving up in math to parent-child communication issues. Following the student speakers, the previous Assembly hosts were also called on stage to receive their certificates.

Ms. Gu concluded the ceremony by encouraging more students to volunteer to participate in future Assemblies next semester. She urged students to take this chance to practice their public-speaking abilities as well as share their thoughts on a topic of their choice with their peers. Ms. Gu emphasized that the ninth graders should take advantage of this opportunity as it is a great learning experience.

(Written by Miranda Wu Pictures by G9 News Group Supervised by Hazel Gu)