
Middle School Biology Department: Nutrition And the Human Body

January 7, 2021

On the morning of January 6th, 7H Science students displayed the science projects they had been working on for the past couple of weeks. Many students don’t pay close attention to the food that they eat on a daily basis. Therefore, this project presented a unique opportunity for students to reflect on their diets, choose better dietary choices, and live healthier lives.

Students followed the following procedure step-by-step. First, they kept a 3-day food log of every food and drink they consumed and organized this data into servings and different food groups. They visualized the collected data in the form of graphs and tables. After, they visited to further research and understand government-provided food recommendations. After studying these recommendations, students tried their best to follow them and kept another 3-day food log.

Students were then tasked with the project of designing a poster to communicate the results of their experiment. Finally, students designed a personal training program and uploaded it to the LinkedClassroom platform.

Students confidently exhibited the foods they had prepared to their fellow classmates. They even competed with each other to see whose meal was the healthiest. The atmosphere was competitive, lively, and full of excitement.

Even though the project has ended, students will hopefully continue to apply these healthy living principles they learned throughout this project. These are principles that can continue to guide students to live healthy lives for many years to come.

(Written byRongzhang Hu, Michael Martin Pictures byMing Liu)