
Middle and Primary School English Department: Fruitful December

December 30, 2020

During the festive month of December, our Grade 1 students have had a blast in English class. Our new stories this month included The Rainforest, The Big Race, and Rules and Laws. We learned about subjects and predicates, and our students can now easily find them in a sentence. We also covered new topics such as cause and effect and verb tenses. First graders have been quite lucky this month as they have had some special visitors, elves from the North Pole. The elves brought along Elf Journals for the students to complete, to practice their writing and grammar. We delved into a new writing topic this month, comparative writing. The students are amazing at explaining the similarities and differences between two things, such as farm animals and jungle animals. We held a special project this month focused on kindness. To begin the project, we read ‘How Full is Your Bucket?’ and discussed how we could fill each other’s buckets by using kind words and gestures. Each student decorated their bucket and completed a ‘bucket filler’ note for each student in their class. They then went around the room and filled each other’s buckets with kind words. Student’s buckets were filled to the top afterward.

(Written by Roma Brown Supervised by Yizhao Wang Pictures by Roma Brown)