
Grade 6: Christmas-Themed 3D Printing Class

December 21, 2020

In 3D printing class, students learned how to use 3D modeling software to design 3D models and learned how to use 3D printers to make various models. From the simple geometric model at the beginning to the more complex 3D model, through nearly a semester of study, students have mastered many 3D modeling skills and methods.

Christmas is a festival that students like very much. Combining the theme of Christmas by letting students make some Christmas-related work stimulates their interest in learning. So, in the class in December, the teacher asked the students to make Christmas models by groups. Some of them made cute snowmen while others beautiful snowflakes, etc. Some students even combined their 3D printing models with their work in art class to complete multi-element decorative paintings. The students greeted holiday season in this unique way.

(Writtern by Zhao Fei Pictures by Zhao Fei)