
Grade 4: How to Make Stories by Programming

December 17, 2020

Students in Grade 4 are very fond of telling and listening to stories. In addition to the traditional way of telling stories, what other ways can let students make stories? In the fourth-grade computer class, through learning programming, children can use programming methods to make stories. In the computer class, the students downloaded pictures of their favorite characters from the internet or drew some cartoon characters by themselves as the protagonists of their stories. Then they programmed to make the characters move and added text and beautiful background pictures. Interesting little stories were created in this way. Students could even interact with the characters in the stories. As long as the program is set up, when a key is pressed on the keyboard, the cartoon characters will perform a series of actions in accordance with the instructions. Students loved this very much, and programming became fun and easy.

In December's computer class, the teacher asked the students to form a group of two or three to discuss with each other, and then create a short story in a cooperative way. The students discussed very seriously, and the stories they created were very interesting that even the teacher was amazed by their rich imagination and creativity.

(Writtern by Zhao Fei Pictures by Zhao Fei)