
Oxford GlobalMUN-SHSID Model United Nations Conference 2019 Officially Opens

December 13, 2019

From December 13th to 15th, Shanghai High School International Division would be host to the Oxford Global ModelUnited Nations conference in China for the second year in a row. On the afternoon of the 13th, the Opening Ceremony officially began in the Grand Auditorium of SHSID. This historically significant building was once again witness to another assembly for international dialogue.

The stage opened its curtains to the loud applause of the audience filling the auditorium with great excitement and passion. First, the High School Principal of SHSID, Mr. Ma Feng, gave a welcome speech for all participants for the event. Later on, the president and CEO of WELAND International Mr. Cao Shuye, the SG of the conference Mr. Henry Li, and the SSG Jack Lee delivered speeches conveying their expectations and good wishes for this special event. The Principal and guest speakers' fervent speeches effectively raised the spirits of the audience and instilled in them a sense of enthusiasm. Participants of the event sat at the edge of their seats, excited to show off their talents and skills in the upcoming conference.

The current conference has eight committees in total. The compact time schedule within the span of only three days would place high standards on the time management and communication skills of each delegate.

To ensure the quality of each participant’s experience, nearly 70 volunteers from SHSID collaborated with the Oxford University delegation to carefully administer committee affairs and offer a memorable event for all delegates.

Approximately 40 delegates from SHSID in total attended this conference. SHSID has accumulated rich experience in MUN events from previous years and achieved many outstanding awards in the past. Hopefully, this year's participants can also offer the best of their abilities.

The Opening Ceremony came to an end amongst a wave of applause. Let us look forward to the remarkable performance of every delegate!

(Written by April Luo, Maggie Jiang Pictures by Grace Chen,Jiawei Yang Supervised by Qian Zhang)