
2019 SHS & SHSID Bilingual Debate Final Round

December 13, 2019

On the afternoon of December 11th, 2019, the final round of the Shanghai High School local and international division bilingual debate was held in the conference hall of the Zhentao Building. Having started in 2017, the bilingual debate competition has entered its third year. Teachers, students and parents from both the local and international divisions gathered to enjoy the contest of languages, culture, teamwork, and critical thinking.

After two months of fierce competition, two teams made it to the final round. The topic for this final round was whether a versatile or a specialized person is more competitive in society. The two teams, both consisting of two students from SHS and two students from SHSID, gave a fabulous performance with novel ideas and eloquent speech.

For this round, the debate had a panel of 9 judges. Six distinguished guests from universities, enterprises, and the media were invited to join our teacher judges from the local and international divisions. Their brilliant comments pushed the bilingual debate to enlightening heights.

Lin from the local division was voted as the best debater in the final round. The 3rd bilingual debate has successfully come to an end. See you all next year!

(Written by SHS &SHSID Bilingual Debate Competition Commission Pictures by SHS Media Center)