
Grade 6: English PBA

December 11, 2019

From November 13th until last week, SHSID students have been working on their PBAs, which stands for “project based assessment”. The job of all students this month was to create a magazine about a famous and influential person as well as a booklet on a certain pharaoh and a relic he or she made. Of course, these seemingly easy projects proved to be quite challenging. To begin, the English PBA, consisting of making a magazine, required all students to overcome all internet and printing problems, which proved to be a major issue. Also, the history project on the pharaoh was very time consuming because all students needed to research, write the material, decorate, draw on the brochure, and write an assertion paragraph! In fact, multiple people stayed up past midnight just to make quality PBAs. However, teachers see this not as an inconvenience but rather as an opportunity to write about a topic you love that you can choose yourself and, unexpectedly, improve on time management. While some students complained that time was not enough, the SHSID teachers remind students to always have a growth mindset and focus on improving next time.

Written by Emma 6(4) Pictures by teachers