
Grade 4: Lecture on Charity

November 24, 2019

During reading time on November 19th and 21st, members from Safe Place, an SHSID high school club, came to the fourth grade to give a lecture on charity.

The fourth-grade students are still at a carefree stage in life and have little understanding of refugee problems that have emerged around the world. After an introduction from the seniors, the fourth-grade students learned what refugees are, saw data on the current situation of refugees in the world, and were told how they can help them. Once the main content was finished, the seniors also answered some questions related to studying and work-ethic at SHSID.

Although the lecture was not long, it helped the children learn how to become “responsible global citizens” in the future and helped them better understand the charity bazaars we hold each year.

(Written by Xu Xinyan, Pictures by teachers)