
Pudong G1 to G5: D.E.A.R. Week

November 22, 2019

This week, students at SHSID Pudong campus had their special reading week again: D.E.A.R. Week. D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) is a literacy initiative focused on building a better reading culture throughout our school. When the bell rings, regardless of if it is during class time or recess time, all the students and teachers have to stop what they are doing and pick up a book to read for twenty minutes. Everyone is extremely excited about reading at a “random” time.

We initially started this activity to help the students develop good reading habits. Now it seems that the popularity of D.E.A.R. week has proven that there are many "book worms" around us. From the pictures, we can tell that students really enjoy the time with their dear books!

(Written by Yan Deng, Jingyang Gu, Haoruo Li, Yuchen Xie & Yingying Pan Pictures by teachers at Pudong)