
Grades 9-10: 2024 Knowledge Knockout

April 8, 2024

On the afternoon of April 3, 2024, Shanghai High School International Division hosted a unique knowledge contest: Knowledge Knockout. Ninth and tenth graders competed in separate venues, the Xianmian Building and Zhentao Building, with each grade's competition consisting of elimination rounds and finals. 21 teams vied for victory, showcasing a diversity of talents.

Organized by the ASB (Associated Student Body), the Knowledge Knockout was a team event that included four elimination rounds and one final round. Four teams competed in each elimination round and the winner of each one advanced to compete in the final round. The questions were all multiple-choice questions and covered a wide variety of topics, including history, STEM, popular culture, English and Chinese literature, and music and art. To have a chance to answer a question, teams had to press the buzzer in front of them quicker than the other teams. Teams got 100 points for every correctly-answered question and got deducted 100 points for every incorrect answer. During the event, the competitors were all devoting their full attention to the questions and aimed to answer as many questions correctly as possible. Meanwhile, the audience also actively participated and supported their favorite teams. One of the highlights of the competition was the audience's ability to vote for the correct answers for certain questions.

In the end, after intense competition, the championship teams from each grade emerged victorious, achieving ultimate success. All participating teams demonstrated excellent performance, earning the respect and applause of everyone present. Congratulations to all the winners, and a heartfelt thanks to all participants for adding boundless excitement and joy to this splendid afternoon.

(Written by 10(8)Alex Dong  Pictures by 9(2)Tom Ding, 10(2)Coco Shao, Hao Sun   Supervised by Mengli Wang  Reviewed by Qian Zuo)