
Grade 9-10: Garbage Classification in the Classroom

April 2, 2019

At noon on April 1st, the Zhongxing Building recording classrooms were filled with the duty monitors from each 9th and 10th grade class. They were learning about garbage classification. From July 1 of this year, Shanghai will enforce waste sorting management. For people living in Shanghai, learning how to classify garbage will be crucial. During this lecture, the teachers were four students from the 11th grade of the International Department. They not only prepared a rich PPT, but also brought a lot of props into the classroom. They were well-organized and logically clear.

First, they introduced the story of cute but unfortunate Timmy. Timmy was a can manufactured as a commodity that was finally rushed away because of incorrect garbage sorting. The vivid pictures coupled with the energetic explanation of the seniors won the appreciation and approval of the students. Then, the teachers explained the background of garbage classification, why we need to classify garbage, and how to classify garbage. Through their explanations, everyone came to understand that garbage sorting will not only reduce the cost of social operations and make the environment better, but also make society more efficient. Finally, the teachers moved onto the biggest item in the class: physical trash! They took out papers printed with different markers and invited everyone to participate in the garbage sorting game. They sorted napkins, chicken legs, big bones, ink cartridges, etc. The students in the audience participated earnestly and actively in the game. Finally, everyone ended the lecture in laughter.

In the next few days, information on garbage classification will be shared with each individual homeroom by the duty monitors. This lively and interesting class will be launched many times on campus, and different bins will appear in every corner of the campus. Thanks to this group of students, we can start improving the little things around us to make the environment around us even better.

(Written by 9(5) Daisy Xu     Pictures by Yu Zhen      Supervised by Xie Junyu)