
Pudong Grade 1: My Career Mentors

April 2, 2019

April 2nd is Career Day at SHSID’s Pudong Campus, during which 10 parents were invited to come to campus and discuss their jobs. On this day, three of our grade-one students’ parents were honorably invited to be our guest speakers. They talked to us about “how to start a company” “what will happen when the young generation grows up”, “animal protection” and “adventure in Disneyland”. In order to attract student attention, all of the parents prepared treats as well as interesting contents before the big day. During the lecture, our guest speakers used beautiful pictures, skits, handcrafts, and other attractive means to present what their jobs look. Students listened attentively and asked questions about the various careers. When this special lesson finished, grade one students were glad to come back with all kinds of souvenirs on hand and intellectual fulfilment in mind.

(Written by Yuting Gao        Pictures by Yuting Gao, Jing Zhao)