
Primary Charity Fair: Garbage Classification Game

April 4, 2019

During the Primary Section Charity Fair at SHSID, which took place in the afternoon of April 3rd, a garbage classification game attracted many parents, teachers, and students. Many people participated in this one-hour game to learn garbage classification knowledge and skills.

This activity was run by a commonweal organization called Shanghai Qi Chuang Public Service Centre. The volunteers shared important and practical knowledge on garbage classification and were able to answer many questions from the students. They even donated training aids to the charity fair.

This incorporation of charity and environmental protection works well in educating the students to love and protect our beautiful yet fragile earth. Everyone has learned a lot of advanced ideas and knowledge on garbage classification during this charity fair. Surely this will encourage more and more families to engage in garbage classification more efficiently and correctly.

(Written by Jane Wu            Photos by Stella Su)