
Foreign Teachers Try Chinese Poetry for Chinese Culture Week

April 10, 2019

To celebrate SHSID Primary Section’s Chinese Culture week, all the primary teachers at SHSID wrote Chinese poems on beautiful bookmarks as prizes for the primary students. Our foreign teachers participated as well and tried very hard to write Chinese poems on bookmarks.

The Chinese language is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, as people are learning more and more about China and Chinese culture. Many of our foreign teachers practiced a lot to prepare for this event. Although it was some teachers’ first time writing Chinese characters, many of the bookmarks were written beautifully. One can hardly believe that it was their first time writing Chinese!

All of the students that received a bookmark were pleasantly surprised at receiving this wonderful prize from our foreign teachers.

(Written by Jane Wu      Photos by Michelle Pu, Xing Ye, Yezi Zhu, Stella Su)