
Pudong Grade 3: Showing Effort

April 15, 2019

On April 11, the third graders at Pudong campus learned about effort during their PG period. As one of the core values of this semester, effort teaches the students to try their best and show perseverance.

At the beginning of the class, the teachers led the students to brainstorm how they can show effort in their daily lives. Then the teachers introduced a fun STEM activity called Stack ‘Em Up. The students needed to use strings fixed on a rubber band to control the rubber band. Their aim was to use the rubber band to move paper cups in order to build up a pyramid in each group. The difficulty was they could only control their own strings without speaking out. Although each group suffered different setbacks, no student gave up. All of the students showed effort by challenging themselves.

The students understood the meaning of effort from this fun activity.

(Written by Haoruo Li       Pictures by Haoruo Li)