
SHSID Middle School Chinese Teachers Journaling Training Course

May 20, 2019

On May 17th, Ms. Li Yuqin gave a lecture on “recording inspirations and creative futures” to the middle school Chinese group teachers in the New Art Building, R410. Everything can be used as a journal entry—indicated by Ms. Li’s own notebook that she presented. She told the teachers who attended the lectures that journals can be used not only to record one’s studies, but also to record various travels, foods, and experiences one has in life. These memories become a lively account, which looks particularly meaningful and is not easy to forget: something our teachers have benefited a lot from. Finally, the Chinese group teachers also designed and produced their own entries, sharing their work plans, life plans, and travel experiences.

This training course helped develop innovative thinking and strengthen their sense of innovation. We thank Ms. Li for her guidance!

(Written by Ms.Tian Lijiao       Pictures by Ms.Tian Lijiao )