
Grade 6 Computer Class: Learning Computer Hardware Knowledge Based on PBL Study

May 22, 2019

This semester, the Grade 6 computer class utilized the project-based learning method to help students learn computer hardware knowledge. Different from the class’ previous teaching methods, the students in this class were divided into small groups, and each group worked independently; they collected materials, produced PPTs, made computer models, gave lectures, and scored each other. In the course, students need to use familiar materials to make the motherboard of a computer, collect information to understand the functions and important components of the computer motherboard, and, finally, show and explain the model in the classroom as a group. At the end of the project-based study, students need to conduct self-assessment and mutual evaluation. Compared to the previous teaching mode, students discuss, cooperate, participate, and ultimately gain more in the project-based learning classroom.

(Written and Pictures by Zhao Fei)