
Grade 12: Senior Project

May 30, 2019

In order to encourage students to better master and apply the knowledge acquired in high school, further promote academic pursuits after graduation, and help graduating seniors enhance their understanding of specific subject areas, the Senior Project was created. The project requires students to participate in a seminar, complete an internship, or create an individual research project. On the afternoon of May 29th, the winning senior projects were presented to all of the G12 students in the annex auditorium of the Xianmian Building. Through their outstanding presentations, everyone could see how these seniors used and applied the theoretical knowledge they learned in the classroom to real life. With consistent effort and extensive research, the students learned and grew both academically and personally.

(Written by 12(2)Violet Loo     Pictures by 12(3)Austin Chen      Supervised by Yixin Zheng)