
Grade 6: Dow Chemical Company Visit

June 5, 2019

May 30th was Career Day! The 11 homeroom classes of grade 6 went to different companies to learn about future careers. Class 6(9) went to the Dow Chemical Company. This company makes chemical products that we see in our everyday lives, focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). They want to make products that help the environment and keep people healthy.

Students first went to a meeting room. The workers introduced the company’s background, goals, and products. Then, they led a tour of the company. The first station was a lab, where robots help humans do experiments. The second station was the VR & AR area. Two people showed students 3D models of their products in VR form, which was very interesting! The most interesting station was the ECO House. It’s a house made from different Dow products, and is very efficient. The workers also explained how they make products like bicycle tires and the insides of golf balls.

At last, students proceeded back to the meeting room and had a Q & A. Many students shared information that they had learned and won some prizes, like sunglasses and golf balls. For a souvenir, each student was given a refrigerator magnet. It was a great time to tour the company and learn about an exciting career path!

(Written by 6(9) Fiona       Pictures by Ms. Liu        Supervised by Mr. Johnson)