
Pudong Campus Grades 2&3:Key to Success—Speaking with Good Purpose

March 4, 2022

This semester, the second and third graders will continue focusing character education on the “four keys to success.” In personal growth class on Tuesday, students learned about the third key to success, “speak with good purpose,” which helped them understand the importance of using appropriate and kind language to communicate with others.

Teachers introduced the topic through a “wrinkled heart” activity in second grade. Each student was given a flat, colored paper heart and worked with a partner to communicate in different words. Whenever a student said terrible words, the other had to rub their paper heart. It challenged them to think deeply about their words and how they can affect others. Once our hearts are hurt by malicious language, it will be challenging to fix them.

The third-grade teachers focused on communication by asking students to T.H.I.N.K. before speaking. Is what they’re saying Truthful, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, or Kind? Based on that point, the teachers gave various cases to think about the appropriate way to communicate. This was such a fun conversation, and the students came up with great ideas on how to T.H.I.N.K. before they spoke.

After this class, the students all understood why and how to speak with good intentions. We hope that everyone can put this into practice in real life and make the world a better place!

(Written by Deng Yan, Li Haoruo Pictures by Grade 2&3 Teachers Edited by Huang Shiyuan, Brie Polette)