
Puxi Campus Grade 2: Geo Fair

January 6, 2022

Grab your passports because it was another great year at the annual second-grade Geo fair. This year, the second grade Geo fair continued to offer students the opportunity to study the world, learn about continents, countries, oceans, mountain ranges, landmarks, and geographic terminology. Each of the classes represented a country from around the world. This one-day event featured countries like Japan, Uzbekistan, Greece, Australia, Ghana, France, Mexico, and Spain. Before the students grabbed their passports to visit each classroom’s unique nation, they had to research facts about their countries. The students researched their country’s money, landmarks, geography, culture, and much more. After studying and preparing their posters, they were off with their passports to visit and learn about each unique country.

When entering each classroom, the students enjoyed the different countries that each class studied. They played games unique to that culture, like Kendama from Japan. They saw animals native to those countries, like a kangaroo from Australia. They even got to experience food native to those beautiful places, like baguettes, cheese, and sandwiches from Spain and France.

Not a moment was forgotten at this year’s annual Geofair. From the decorations to the games and food, this year’s Geofair was a day that these second-grade students will never forget. Just remember to hold on to your passports because next year will be just as amazing as this year.

(Written by Amelia Wu, Michael Trisotto Pictures by G2 Teachers and Parent Volunteers Edited by Huang Shiyuan)