
Public Information Session: Brown and UPenn

September 28, 2016

Public Information Session: Brown and UPenn

On September 22nd, approximately 400 students, parents and counselors from schools all around Shanghai gathered in the SHSID auditorium to listen to the public information session given by Brown University and University of Pennsylvania.

The informative session started off with a message analogizing Brown and Penn to symbols of knowledge. Paraphrasing the speaker, knowledge is what unites different cultures together.

The session then continued with an introduction to each institution’s basic academic structure, environment, and individual colleges and departments. Both universities emphasized a holistic style of learning, and individual flexibility to choose courses.

After basic introductions, the universities explained the nature of the application process. Unlike many countries, there is no bar or exact requirement that guarantees a student admission into Brown or Penn. Instead, a student is examined through multiple criteria. Although academic study is still considered most important, both institutions are also looking for students with commitment, passion, and ability to take advantage of their opportunities. They also value class participation, and day-to-day performance in class.

Next, the universities answered some questions from the audience. Some of these include explanations on the dual major program between Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design, summer internships and summer programs, the social life, and the minimum TOEFL score required.

To wrap things up, both institutions introduced a group of Alumni, who individually answered any additional questions. Overall, the public information session of Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania definitely offered new information to potential high school students.

(Written by Angelina Ding 11(4) Picture by Hu Chen and Zhang Nan)