
High School Biology Department: Sparks between Biology and Physics

May 31, 2021

What kind of spark will be created when biology meets physics? On May 26 and 27, students from 11thgrade biology and physics classes demonstrated their subject week project in the lecture hall of Zhentao Building. Their projects showed the perfect combination and important roles of biology and physics in food, medicine, space and other fields from multiple perspectives. Their reports were rich in content, with explanations of basic principles and exploration of the frontiers of science and technology. In addition to rich content, various presentation forms became highlights of this show. Using their talents, students explained difficult terms and boring equations in a lively way. For example, focusing on the human bone’s ability to withstand force, a team made a video describing a story of fighting criminals. Using superb video editing skills, the group added students in audience to the story, which aroused bursts of applause and laughter when the video was played. Another group made a small sitcom, which vividly showed how depression is diagnosed and treated, impressing the audience. Teamwork was fully reflected in the presentations of multiple groups. For example, while one student was explaining a process, one or more group member(s) would act or demonstrate, allowing the audience to have a clearer understanding of the principles behind the phenomenon.

The students' interesting and meaningful topic selection, innovative presentation methods, and their off-class study and research vividly presented the interdisciplinary application of biology and physics, which stimulated everyone's interest in learning related subjects. In the process of preparing and presenting the project, the students also practised important skills such as reading research papers, independent thinking and teamwork, which all had positive impacts on their future study and life.

(Written by Chengbo Zhou, Yan Wang Pictures by Chengbo Zhou, Yuechao Xu)