College Counseling

College Counseling Services

SHSID is dedicated to provide efficient and individualized college counseling services to all students in grades 9-12 and their parents through the college counseling team and the Cialfo platform.

College Counseling Team

In high school, each student is assigned to a guidance counselor/homeroom teacher, who works closely with the students in the homeroom and their parents to build an individualized 4-year high school plan for each student, aiming to help each student make right decisions through the whole college application process and get into their best fit university. Guidance counselors/homeroom teachers should be the first contacts if students and their parents have any questions about the school and their college plans.

The Teacher Advisor Office, located in the first floor of Zhentao Building, works with guidance counselors in grades 9-10 to provide one-on-one talks with students and their parents in terms of high school course selection, summer program selection, 4-year planning, extracurricular activity planning and other college related choices. The Teacher Advisor Office is also in charge of Peer Advisor Program , which creates opportunities to allow students support each other through lectures and Q&A sessions. Students in Peer Advisor Program also share their experiences in summer school and course selection to younger students in grades 7-8 to help them better plan their high school life.

College Counseling Office, located in Xianmian Building, works closely with guidance counselors in grades 11-12 on supporting students in the last two years of their high school to go through their college application process and transfer seamlessly from high school to colleges. The office is responsible for organizing various counseling programs and events, including on-campus test administrations of PSAT / SAT / ACT tests, college information sessions, college fairs, college essay workshops, mock college interviews, college lectures for parents, on-campus summer programs, etc. The office is also in charge of the personal growth program for all high school students in grades 9-12, which is a specialized counseling program to help students discover who they are and how to develop into a well-balanced life-long learner with global perspectives.


Starting from June 2019, SHSID started to use Cialfo - an online college counseling platform for students in grades 9-12 and their parents. The platform keeps a record of students’ personal growth information, including but not limited to, personality test results, standardized test results, college lists and college acceptance results. All the information will be kept through grades 9-12 and the information will be used to support the collaboration between students, parents and homeroom teachers to successfully complete college application procedures. Cialfo is also a very important source of college data, college information session arrangements at SHSID as well as college event announcements.