Curriculum Program
- English
- High School Chinese
- Primary and Junior School Chinese.
- High School Mathematics
- Middle School Mathematics
- Primary School Mathematics
- Music and Fine Arts
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Chemistry
- History and Geography
- Physical Science and Optional courses Department
- Middle School Biology
- High School Biology
- Social Sciences
- Computer Science
- Courses in Primary School
Achievements and Matriculations
College Counseling
Science & Technology Innovation Contest
Club Exhibition
- 龙吟社
- Live 2 Drama
- Choir
- Hip-pop Dance Club
- The Primary School Dance Troupe
- Symposiums Club
- Biology Workshop
- You Shan
- VEX Robotic
- Peking Opera Club
- Baseball Club
- Model United Nations
- The World Scholar’s Cup
- Future Problem Solving Club
- United States Academic Pentathlon
- OM Club
- AMC Club
- Music for Patients
- SHSID Gazette
- Smile Charity
- Cultural Moments
- SciAcademy
- Stem Doge Alliance
- Chinese Debate Club
- Mock Trial Club
- Zhengming Club
- Art-to-zine
- Bananaheads
- Electronics
- Furry Friends
- GT-Racing
- MCG Philharmonics
- Village Radio
- IMMC Club
- Creative Design and Intelligent Fabrication
- Future City Research Project
- AdvocaSEA
- Medishine
- Floorball Club
- Animusic MTC
- Wings Up
Health and Wellness
Campus Safety
Cafeteria Service
Alumni Information
Honors Students
- Class of 2024
- Class of 2023
- Class of 2022
- Class of 2021
- Class of 2020
- Class of 2019
- Class of 2018
- Class of 2017
- Class of 2016
- Class of 2015
- Class of 2014
- Class of 2013
- Class of 2012
- Class of 2011
- Class of 2010
- Class of 2009
- Class of 2008
- Class of 2007
- Class of 2006
Who Studied at SHSID
SHS Foundation
Athletics Mission
The PE and Health Curriculum of the International Department is an important part of the school-based curriculum and an important part of health education. It is composed of basic, extensive and research courses. Grades 1 to 6 are the basic courses, of which ice and swimming courses are compulsory modules for grades 2 to 6. For 7-12 grades these are offered as optional modules. Students have a total of 24 sports modules to choose from (basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, tennis, kendo, baseball and softball, swimming, volleyball, darts, track and field, karate, Tae-kwondo, ice sports, laser shooting , Gymnastics, sports games, martial arts, curling, touch rugby, aerobic dance, lacrosse, golf and fitness). On the basis of fully respecting the learning interests and needs of students from a variety of countries, this course aims to improve students' athletic ability, develop healthy behaviors, and cultivate healthy lifestyles. It advocates diversified teaching methods and guides students to use structured knowledge and skills to solve problems in sports and health practice, which in hand exerts students’ understanding of fitness and and focuses on the cultivation of sportsmanship and moral character while students develop physical fitness and sports skills. While respecting the development of personality, we guide students to discover their love of sports, cultivate students' sporting hobbies and personality traits, laying a lifelong fundamental for health and fitness.