
Grade 10: Dodgeball Competition

April 13, 2021

With the spring breeze blowing and the cherry blossoms in full bloom, the campus was filled with the vibrancy of early spring. 10th-grade class held an exciting dodgeball tournament in this great spring light.

All sophomore students gathered in the big basketball court with the game unfolding two by two between the homeroom classes on April 7, with the winners proceeding into further rounds. The vast court was filled with jubilant figures and enthusiastic cheering, as students outside the circle struggled to smash the ball with precision to the opponents, while students inside the circle tried to dodge the incoming ball. Some students were struck in the beginning of the game, while others were agile enough to dodge one dangerous hit after another. Some students were too proud of themselves for a moment, but were then caught off guard by balls flying from absurd directions, causing the entire court to burst into laughter.

As the game escalated, it became more intense and the crowd of onlookers became increasingly excited. The last game finally came, and the students of Class 3 performed beautifully, dodging one ball after another, and aiming perfectly almost all the time. They remained united and strategic throughout the entire game and successfully dodged their opponents' onslaught. To the cheers of the entire audience, Class 3 finally won the Spring Dodgeball Competition for the 10th-grade class this year!

The afternoon passed quickly, and the students were both exhausted and overjoyed, beginning the season of spring with joy and laughter.

(Written by Winnie Pictures by Etsuko, Mika Supervised by Menglei Wang)