
Pudong Campus Grades 4-5: Tug of War

April 8, 2021

Thanks to preparations of the ASB, a fierce tug-of-war competition among Pudong G4 and G5 was held during the PG class on Apr. 8th. Students from the two grades were divided into a boys’ team, a girls’ team, and a mixed team. Everyone was excited even before the competition. As the whistle blew, players from both sides of the rope pulled with all their might and the game reached a stalemate. Even the spectators anxiously wished they could lend a hand. After three rounds, the competition came to an end, and everyone immersed themselves in the thrill of the sport. Our vigor and passion lit up the spring day.

(Written by Pan Yingying, Xie Yuchen Pictures by Wu Xiaodong, Pan Yingying,Xie Yuchen)