
Pudong Campus Grade 5: The Reading Week

November 10, 2022

As Tolstoy said, “The ideal book is the key to wisdom.” To pursue this key, we always encourage the students to increase the reading quantity. November is a reading month for students at Pudong campus. During this month, students are motivated to explore more genres of books to broaden their knowledge base. D.E.A.R. stands for “Drop Everything And Read”. Students were asked to bring books to school and during each school day of D.E.A.R. week, a bell will ring throughout the school at a random time. When the bell rings, they must stop what they were doing and read the books they have chosen.

This is an activity to encourage students to read more books in their daily lives and to celebrate the act of reading. By launching this activity, we hope that the students will consciously increase their reading time as well as their reading load. Students will help build a better reading culture throughout our entire school. They will learn to read for pleasure, to increase their vocabulary, and to gain further knowledge of various subjects.

The students seem to be enjoying this activity quite a lot.  They read quietly during the designated time and share the fascinating stories with their friends after the class. But reading is not just for D.E.A.R. week, it will become a life-long habit for our students.

(Written by Jia Lu    Pictures by Jia Lu    Edited by Serene Yang, Niall Keenan)