
Computer Group: Teaching Discussion under the Background of New Curriculum and New Textbooks

November 17, 2022

The Computer Group carried out a discussion about teaching methods and activities. Ms. Mao and Mr. Xu held a teaching demonstration in the form of open classes.

Ms. Mao first designed an open class teaching demonstration with the theme of data processing and application. In terms of unit learning activities, Ms. Mao designed four activities: data collection and sorting, analysis and visualization, modeling and prediction, and communication and display, with “borrowing from the library” being close to students' lives as the theme of classroom activities. This allowed students to learn this unit so that they would then be able to solve practical problems in life with information technology.

Mr. Xu gave a teaching demonstration on the basic principles of enumeration. Mr. Xu wanted to teach students so that they would learn the application of enumeration method through "treasure hunting on campus", an activity that students were greatly interested in.

During the discussion, teachers in the computer group conducted in-depth discussions on teaching methods, learning activities, homework design, and other aspects around these teaching units. The discussion of the teaching and research group is an activity that gathers the wisdom of the group. The discussion is a process of mutual learning and common improvement of the teaching and research group. In the process of discussion, teachers can learn from each other and improve their professional abilities and level activities.

(Written by Fei Zhao  Pictures by Yinjung Tang   Reviewed by Qian Zuo)