
Grade 6: Digital Citizenship

November 18, 2022

In the youth development class on November 17th, grade 6 students were introduced to the topic of citizens in the digital network era. With the popularity of the Internet, students are now using computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices more than ever before.

The class was designed to guide students on how to use the Internet properly from four perspectives -- internet safety, citation and plagiarism, cyberbullying and how to interpret online information.

Through watching the video and analysing real-life examples, students had a lively discussion on how to protect their privacy when sharing their lives online. They realised that they should cite the sources of online materials in their assignments and also use civilised language online, as well as not attack or cyberbully others. Furthermore, students learned to carefully discern the authenticity of information on the Internet and not be swayed by prejudice.

In a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, students gained a better understanding of the various hidden dangers when using the Internet. We believe that, through this class, students could know how to protect themselves, respect others and resist bullying in the virtual online world, which is crucial to becoming a competent digital citizen.

Written by: Xu Qinyou

Pictures by: Zuo Tianyu

Edited by: Serene yang, Niall Keenan