
Primary Subjects G1: We Are Worm Experts!

November 18, 2022

During Science classes of week 12, students in Grade 1 talked about living things and non-living things in an ecosystem. To enhance the understanding of the concepts, we conducted a fun experiment to learn the difference between living and non-living things. Our students were turned into worm experts through the experiment.

To make it more fun and engaging, we used 2 types of worms -- gummy worms and real earth worms! Using the inquiring skills we learned in class, our young experts studied both types of worms with great enthusiasm. We used real worms to show the children the difference between living and non-living things as well as to teach them to treat living things (no matter how small) with respect and care. All the children had a lot of fun, learned to make their conclusions by carrying out an experiment.

With the skills and practices learned, these young experts are sure to grow up to real experts someday in the future!

(Written by Callum Browning        Picture by Zhao Jing        Edited by Serene Yang, Niall Keenan)