
Grade 9: Assembly—Socialization & Team

November 21, 2022

Another week had passed in SHSID. Once again, on November 15th the ninth graders went to B1 to attend the assembly, held in the Lecture Hall every Tuesday morning. Nick from Class 9(6) shared his experiences and insights on socialization. Socialization is crucial to the development of student mindsets nowadays; interaction with groups of different people can increase one’s immunity to changes and the ability to express oneself. Failing to develop the necessary social skills may result in losing confidence in trying the new and unknown, thus losing the spirit of exploration. So how should we enhance friendship between each other? First, we can have more joyful and humorous experiences with our friends. For example, making friendly memes and emojis of others can actually pull friends closer but remember to pay attention to the word used on social media platforms. Sports are another way to establish friendships: Collaboration and playing together in a competitive game can also strengthen friendly relationships. And finally, support for each other during hard times are what friends should do to provide each other the warmth of company.

(Written by 9(12) Jason Qian   Edited by 9(4) Nicole Chen   Picture by Hao Sun   Supervised by Mengli Wang  Reviewed by Qian Zuo)