
Grade 12 Assembly: Girls Programming Club

November 23, 2022

On Friday morning, November 18, 2022, all the senior students and teachers joined together at Xianmian Annex. After all the students quietly were seated, at 8:15, two students started their presentation.

They gave a promotion speech for their club, “Girls Programming Club”. The club is mainly for girls who want to further enhance their knowledge regarding programming and develop their coding skills together. They introduced their booking platform for sessions at both ZTB and XMT, demonstrating step by step how to book and register for sessions. The platform included room numbers, club names, and passwords to ensure safety. It was extremely informative and seemed very efficient and organized. 

Furthermore, they informed the audience that they were recruiting new members! Anyone who is interested in programming can join by scanning the QR code provided. Additionally, you can also follow the WeChat account to receive any updates and follow the club. 

(Written by Winnie Xiong  Pictures by Jialong Liu   Supervised by Jialong Liu   Reviewed by Qian Zuo)