
Pudong Campus | The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

September 25, 2023

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching! To encourage all the students to learn and feel the profound Chinese culture, teachers of the Pudong Campus prepared an exciting festival celebration in the third week of September.

In class, grade one to five teachers introduced the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and helped them recognize the long history of Chinese culture. They also learned the customs and tales behind the Mid-Autumn Festival such as Hou Yi Shooting the Suns, and Wu Gang Cutting Down the Laurel Tree. Then the students worked in groups and joined in the Mid-Autumn Q&A. Through these fun activities, they got a better understanding of the myths and legends behind the festival and were further interested in traditional Chinese culture. In addition, students made small cute lanterns for the festival while enjoying Chinese folk songs at the same time during their art class. G1-G3 students made lanterns in the shape of rabbits, while G4-G5 grade students added their own unique creativity to the lanterns.

The Mid-Autumn Festival celebration not only deepened students’ understanding of traditional Chinese festivals and provided the vitality of Chinese poetry and traditional culture to students, but also helped them understand the joy of cooperation and sharing. By exploring more about this festival, the students learned to be global citizens through cultivating their cultural awareness.

Written by Ms. Janet  

Pictures by all teachers of Pudong Campus  

Edited by Cong Luo, Wu Shiyu (Intern)