
Social Sciences Department: Career Experience Activity of the Legal Profession

April 23, 2024

On the afternoon of April 19, five high-school students, led by Mr. Zuo, visited Zhihe Partners for a half-day experience activity of the legal profession.

At the beginning of the event, the students visited various areas of the firm under the guidance of the lawyers, including office areas, conference rooms, and a mini gym with unique scenery, etc. the firm’s managing partner, Mr. Lu then gave an intro lecture titled "Law, Judicial Study, and the Community of Legal Professionals" to the students, and introduced the basic structure of the legal discipline and the daily work of lawyers. Mr. Lu's sharing was candid. In addition to introducing the many attractive highlights of a lawyer's work, he reminded the students to also see the demanding side of the legal profession. He encouraged students to make their career decisions based on true understanding of themselves and their real experience.

Then, Mr. Lu's colleague, Ms. Gong, conducted a lively case analysis and discussion with the students which brought out a lot of intellectual stimulation. In the final question-and-answer session, the students enthusiastically asked questions, such as the qualification requirements for lawyers and the preparations that can be done in high school. After Mr. Lu answered every question of the students patiently, the whole event came to an end.

As part of the high-school career-experience activities of SHSID, this activity allows students interested in the legal profession to obtain first-hand information and experience in the front line of lawyers’ practice. At the same time, it is also an enlightening legal education experience. We hope that students will make good use of the series of career-experience opportunities provided by the school to understand themselves more and find out their ture passion.

(Written/Pictures by Social Sciences Department    Reviewed by Qian Zuo)