
Grade 6: Youth Development “Digital Citizenship”

March 2, 2022

In the 21st century, using iPads, computers, and phones to go on the internet is something we do almost every day. This gives us many opportunities and sources for information, but many harmful things can affect students on this wide platform of different materials and rhetorics. So, what do students have to look out for a while searching the Internet? In the Youth Development class on February the 25th of this year, sixth-grade students learned how to safely, respectfully, and honestly surf the internet. All around the world, the Internet is becoming a more and more important tool in gaining information and completing tasks of daily life. With the increasing popularity and importance of the Internet comes the growing importance of learning how to explore the web properly.

The class is centered around security, integrity, compassion, and literacy. For each of these four main points, teachers prepared materials and questions to challenge students to think and discuss in class. In every part of the materials, there were examples of correct and incorrect ways to manipulate the Internet, exercising students’ abilities in critical thinking. For instance, on security, teachers used images from posts in moments to discuss how to protect personal information online. Regarding integrity, teachers focused on searching information and citing statements; students would also learn about cyberbullying using cases to give students a deeper understanding. Students also needed to know how to tell whether the information was inaccurate. Teachers took this opportunity to test student’s judgment skills to prevent them from being deceived by false information on the web. Teachers showed examples and questions on the board and first let students discuss and come to conclusions by themselves before more thorough explanations

In the last phase of the class, teachers handed out cards where students wrote down their answers for the question “how can you be a good digital citizen?” After writing down the answers, students colored their paper cards andcreatively expressed their understanding of Internet awareness. They then put together their pieces for a beautiful and informational group poster. Students learned a lot about using the Internet properly in daily life during this class.

(Written by 6(12) Niuniu, 6(3) Emma Supervised By Jess Scott Pictures by Chen Fan Edited by Huang Shiyuan, Brie Polette)