
Grade 9: Lunch Time Birthday Party

March 1, 2022

Combined with the recent warming up of weather that indicates the transition to spring, students have been celebrating as they transition into their new phases of the new semester. On February 25th, students with birthdays in January and February were given a surprise—that the school had planned a celebration for them on Friday. These birthday parties allow students to celebrate their achievements and growth every year, not only from an academic perspective but also as students conquer their own personal goals.

After all the invitations had been sent, the students arrived at ZTB 314, where they encountered celebrating teachers and also birthday gifts—chips and drinks. The students present also took several photos together, which allowed them to record this celebration and remember this time with their friends in the future.

Gifts, photos, celebrations! The students whose birthdays were in January and February couldn't have been more ecstatic by the teacher's preparations. While the celebration for these months has ended, students born in March will not have to wait much longer, as another celebration of their birthdays will be coming during the next few weeks.

(Written by 9(4) Geoffrey Ku Pictures by Dandan Zhou, 9(7) Coco Chen Supervised by Meijun Shi Reviewed by Qian Zuo)