
High School Physics Department: Professional Development Day

October 19, 2021

On October 15, 2021, all teachers of the Physics Department participated in an activity on professional development. Mr. Xu Zhencheng, head teacher of the department, organized the activity.

In the morning, the teachers visited the new physics laboratory in the Yifu Building and learned how to use the new instruments and equipment under the demonstration of Mr. Liu Yifeng. Advanced projection technology brings more possibilities for physics class; the lift power supply not only saves space, but also greatly guarantees the safety of teachers and students; convenient recording and the broadcasting function will help to produce more physics-related learning materials.

In the afternoon, the teachers came to the physics classroom of the Zhentao Building and had an in-depth exchange and discussion on subject development issues of common concern. Firstly, they had a heated discussion on the integration of teaching resources, and put forward feasible schemes such as making video demo classes and recordings of open classes. Then, Mr. Xu briefly summarized the content and ability requirements of the high-school physics curriculum, and arranged the modification of the teaching guide. Finally, the teachers discussed the event of "Physics Day" and decided the activity time and theme.

May all physics teachers continue to shine in their beloved post, pass the enthusiasm to students, and share the joy of learning physics together.

(Written by Yan Wang Pictures by Yan Wang Reviewed by Qian Zuo)