
Middle School Physics Department: Density Experiment—Experience the Fun of Exploring

October 8, 2021

Density is an important concept that 8th grade students have always struggled with when learning physics. Allowing students to test concepts via experimentation is an important way in which we can help students grasp complex ideas and reconcile practice with theory.

The students from H-Level Grade 8, have completed the density measurement experiment for this semester. In the process of measuring the density of regular and irregular objects, the students have learned how to use electronic scales to weigh objects in metric units, how to measure the parameters of regular objects using a standard metric ruler, as well as how to calculate the volume of irregular objects via measuring cylinder. After collecting the experimental data, the students also performed data analysis to determine the composition of the measured material. Finally, the students used the results of the density experiment to extrapolate potential real-world applications.

It also helped students realize the importance of data accuracy during the collection process as well as the necessity of units conversion. The hands-on experimental process was instrumental in pushing students to think beyond the confines of the textbook and see that everything has density and can thus be measured.

This experiment aimed to stimulate students’ ability to conduct independent scientific inquiry in a fun and hands-on manner. Allowing students to personally experience the process of scientific research helped to sharpen their observational skills, cultivate logical and divergent thinking and foster an inquisitive and scientific spirit.

(Written by Linqiong Qiu Pictures by Physics Teachers Edited by Huang Shiyuan, Brie Polette)