
Grade 10 Parents Meeting Held

September 30, 2021

The Parents Meeting of G10 was held during the night of September 28. In the first part in the Grand Auditorium, four different topics were covered.

The first speaker was High School Vice Principal, Ms. Zhang Li, who introduced SHSID’s Counseling Services and High School Activities.

The next speaker was Principal’s Assistant for English Curriculum, Mr. Adam Nikolich, who spoke about the Innovation & Practice Courses in High School. Throughthe Personal Growth Program, students will be able to explore their interests and future career paths much more in-depth.

The school’s IB and AP coordinator, Dr. Jiang Hao, appeared on the stage to talk about course selection. To the parents and students, Dr. Jiang stressed that instead of going for the "best" program, a student should go for the best fit program.

Last but not least, High School Principal Mr. Ma Feng came up to finish the parents meeting with the topic of High School's general changes and policies. Rather than stating the immense significance of many competitions and competitive GPAs,Principal Ma demonstrated a more comprehensive picture a student should bear in mind to succeed in high school life and to grow as a "whole" person.

In the second part of the meeting, a face-to-face session followed in Zhentao Building classrooms to allow students and parents get more detailed information from subject teachers.

(Written by 10(6) Tony Kim Pictures by 10(8) Maya Zheng Supervised by Hazel Gu Reviewed by Qian Zuo)