
The 8th Grade Eco-Fashion Show!

May 16, 2013

The 8th Grade Eco-Fashion Show!

Card board, garbage bags, and plastic bags as clothing?! How on Earth do you make that? Well, on Thursday, May 2nd, 8th grade students presented their unique sense of fashion through the Eco-Fashion Show! It was a truly dazzling show that revealed our abilities to become ingeniously creative and fashionable. Basically, all designers had to use old or recyclable materials to make unique costumes, and their models had to present these art works. Everyone prepared with immense hard work, as seen from the beautiful dresses and costumes that day.

Before the competition started, the area before the auditorium was crowded with designers and models putting on final touches and practicing professional catwalks in the nervous and excited atmosphere. We saw dresses made out of newspaper, old cloths, and plastic bags, and there was a cool kendo uniform made out of card board. One group also used leaves and poker cards as decoration. It was surprising how many designs came out of just simple, old materials. The show began with the models strutting down the “red carpet” walkway to the stage in an upbeat music. The designer’s introduced each piece of dress they created, revealing their creative thoughts used in make the clothing. Some models and dresses even seemed to have directly come out of Project Runway, while some other models seemed a bit nervous from the spotlight and their high-heels. With every model walking down the aisle, the crowd cheered passionately, some raising hands for a high-five. There was especial commotion as the cool kendo model walked in swinging his sword skillfully. In the end, all the models presented their fashionable dresses once more as they stood together on the stage. That was a breath-taking scene.

Later on the results came out, and first prize was given to Vivian Chen and Ann Tang with their model Bonnie. They used old cloths to make a beautiful dress of black and silver. However, really, everyone did a magnificent job!

(Article: 8(1) Christine Huang; Picture: Eva Xu)