
Grade 2: Read Aloud Time

May 18, 2012

Grade 2: Read Aloud Time

The read aloud time of grade two is rich in content this semester.

From Monday to Friday we have English read aloud time. Wednesday is for the Chinese read aloud.

Every Monday, the students will write in their Creative Writing book. The teacher will assign different writing topics, such as" If I have a pet dinosaur" or “If I was a teacher…” The children get the chance to be creative and explore their imaginations without restrictions. Students also draw the cutest pictures to go with their pieces.

For the rest of the week, the teacher will teach the children to read interesting English poems. The poems are read rhythmically. The teacher not only teaches students to read, but they also make actions to go with the poems. The students get to help create the actions, which is a lot of fun! This is very entertaining for the students. The children love morning read aloud time and are very excited to show their poetry performance during the talent show on open day!

Every Wednesday morning, the children will learn extracurricular Chinese poetry during the read aloud time. The teacher makes the students understand the meaning of poetry by showing them the vivid video. Students read the poems in different ways: group reading, boy and girls take turns reading, friends reading poetry together.

In short, students of second grade obtain endless fun during the read aloud time!