
Art Festival at the Senior High School Section!!!

December 15, 2011

It’s this time of the year again - the time to show off your artistic talents and abilities. The students and teachers from Xian Mian Building stormed the Auditorium in time to watch the annual Art Festival take place. From 1:10PM to 3:50PM, the 25 creative performances impressed the audience. Among the most memorable shows were “The Lazy Song” and “YMCA”, performed by the 11thgrade and 12thgrade IB classes respectively. Apart from the rather ‘reputation-damaging’ performances, students also show cast their talents in form of other creative and skilled dances, the most impressive of which were the Kool Club performance, the “Bananas” dance, and “Party Rock Anthem”. The singing was naturally no less popular. Cherish Ho from 12(3) amazed everyone present with her beautiful voice and the 4 Chords Song concluding the Art Festival earned much applause. After the initial end of the event, however, the hosts announced a special surprise performance, a song by the 2011 ASB member and, most astonishingly, Director Ma personally. The entire auditorium sang along to the Director’s favorite song “Tong Hua”. The enthusiastic cheers and applause confirmed the hosts’ claim that this was the best art festival the school’s has seen in a while.