Primary and Junior School Chinese.

Primary and Junior School Chinese.

Ⅰ. Subject Characteristics

Grade 1-8 Chinese includes two types of courses: One is the native Chinese course. The other is the non-native course.

The Native Chinese consists of Honored level and Standard level. All textbooks are supplemented by thesis writing, classroom presentation and extracurricular activities to improve students’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Non-native Chinese courses are divided into different levels in accordance with the different grades and language levels.

Ⅱ. Pedagogical Goals

Native Chinese: Through textbook learning and discussion, to stimulate students' interest in learning Chinese, and gradually develop students' reading habits of the Chinese language to allow them to master basic skills of literary appreciation and enhance their self-expression and writing abilities. The specific aims are as follows:
1. To master a certain amount of words and accurately, fluently read text;
2. Summarize the general notion of the text while reading;
3. Understand associated writing techniques;
4. Learn narrative, biography, travelogue and other genres of writing;
5 Master metaphors, personification, hyperbole, parallelism and other rhetorical methods;
6. Master the basic content words, function word usage and meaning of ancient Chinese.

Non-native Chinese: To stimulate student interest in Chinese through classroom activities, we focus on the learning of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and language knowledge, focus on language application skills (written / spoken), and strive to make the students have a solid language foundation; to promote Chinese language learning through the understanding of   China's cultural traditions and social customs.